Slumdwellers are not considered people by the flat-dwellers....but they are the most suffering people on whose labour the flat folks can dwell...the urban poor in slums are also predominantly dalit...
and real development can only happen ony if the slumdwellers and dalits and ordinary people can get quality education , health care , housing and jobs.
This where our dear MLA comes in.
Does he even have an idea about what all this means. Does he know what his people want. He knows but he also knows what he wants. He is a real estate man and wants to expand his empire. Why should the feudal lord be worried about his slave ? How can you expect him to worry?
On one hand the new feudal lord formulates policies like : SEZ , PRIVATISATION of EDUCATION , PRIVATISATION of HALTH CARE ( all these are good for the english speaking - earning upper middle class - provides them more options - oh private health care - the upper middle class itself is crying - also its good for the urban feudal lord - as he owns all the choices ) but its disartorous for the oridnary person - as he is left to the TRICKLE DOWN from the earning upper middle class - for education - health and jobs - result : they either dont get educated - dont get health care - or forced to accept the philanthrophy of the soaftware engineers and real estate speculators - result : corruption - criminalisation in the rush to become - the enlish speaking elite of the city
SHAME on a country which makes development dependent on the philanthrophy of a few individuals.
Okay so whats the soultuion . Whats the use thundering in blogs . Whats the use thundering when the field is left to the BJP , Congress and the JD(S).
We have to work there .. how many voters meetings did we organise. How much of peoples real issues we understand . How much pain and suffering of the common man we know . I mean count the number of ordinary people who you are in touch with - to get them in to college this admission time . count the number of people who you have helped get health care - how much you consider hous maids - drivers - autorickshaw drivers - carpenters people ( If you are reading this on a computer you will be one of those who benefit out of globn - hence you have a responsibility )
Building peoples movement in the field is the only answer : a movement to campaign against communalism , caste , criminalisation .
Okay after voting today - lets think - what we can do - to work in K.R Puram( or in any other area) on a day to day basis throughout next year. Atelast we would have started something there. This could become a model. What are the most important peoples issues in KR Puram. What will give us entry. What are the needs ? If there is a small unit there ... then how can we stregthen it and so on.......
however elections - democracy - are all spaces - where peoples movements - can partner - to create better alternatives
thats the only hope for change.
from :
Profile - Nellorepuram slum is located in the KR Puram CMC, in the constituency of Varthur and constitutes Ward No 24. This is one of the oldest slums among the four studied and is about 50 years old. It is an authorized slum and is among the list of slums as declared by the Slum Board.
Water is supplied once a week for about 2 hours. It is mainly the women and children who fetch water. There are fights at the taps according to the children.
Lack of individual toilets and ill-maintenance of public toilets has let to many people using open spaces in and around the locality to relieve themselves. In terms of health facilities, there are no basic public health facilities in the locality; a private clinic is located in the northern part of the slum.
Nellorepuram has a population of about 2512 persons in about 500 houses.
As per feedback from FGDs carried out among women, youth and children,the families here are also migrants from Tamil nadu and Andhra Pradesh who have come mainly in search of jobs. There are Hindu, Muslim and Christian families living here predominantly SC ST and speaking mostly Tamil, Telugu and Kannada.
The main occupation of men is carpentry and painting, mainly as temporary
workers in HAL and BMCL. Women are mostly engaged in domestic work or
are paurakarmikas at the CMC, while children work in hotels or garages.
Most families have a BPL ration card and Voter ID cards are commonlyowned. Most families are paying property tax.
Manjunathanagar has a population of about 2250 persons in about 450 houses.
Manjunath Nagar also contains mostly Hindu families with about 10 households each of Muslim and Christian families. Most families have migrated from other southern states and rural Bangalore for better prospects. Tamil, Telugu and Kannada are the main languages spoken with a few families speaking Marathi or Malayalam or Urdu.
Reddypalya has a population of about 2750 persons in about 550 houses.
The people in this slum are mainly migrants from Andhra Pradesh and Tamil
Nadu. The residents comprise mostly of Hindus and some Muslim and
Christian families. Tamil, telugu and kannada are the predominantly spoken
languages. The residents mostly belong to scheduled castes, but there are
some lingayats and gowdas as well.
The main occupation of the men is driving, carpentry, vegetable vending and
construction work, and also as drivers (auto/taxi) while women are mostly domestic workers or working in garment factories. The children work in garages or help with painting work.
There is a high level of ownership or BPL ration cards and voter ID cardsamong the residents of Reddypalya and most of them pay property taxes too.
Sanjayanagar has a population of about 1875 persons in about 375 houses.
Most of the households comprise of migrant families.
As per information received from FGDs carried out among the men, women and children in the locality, residents are a mix of religions including Hindus, Muslims and Christians. Among the Hindus, the main castes include SCs and STs speaking Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Marathi, Malayalam and Urdu; other castes include Reddys and Brahmans.
Main occupations followed by its residents include men working as painters,
construction labourers, Class IV employees in HAL, plumbers, cobblers and
factory workers; mostly working as daily wage earners. Among women it is
mostly working as housemaids in the nearby localities, flower vendors,
workers in garment factories and also rolling agarbattis not only for the
factory in the slum but for other factories as well.
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